Congratulations on your choice to teach your child at home! You are joining the ranks of an estimated two million home educating families in the United States. Every day more and more people are discovering the many academic, social, and familial benefits to teaching their own children.
We want to help you on your road to home schooling success! Follow the five simple steps below to a great start in home education:
1. Join FHE
2. Getting Started Checklist
3. Know Missouri Law
4. Order FHE Books
5. Notify Your Former School
6. Browse For Resources
"Families for Home Education publishes an excellent guide for the Missouri home educator, called First Things First. It contains all parts of the Missouri legislative statute that pertain to home education, along with a summary of the law in layman's terms and clear definitions of how to work within these statutes in your own home. We have also included sample logs and other forms. You may order First Things First for $15 or the Homeschool Journal for $27, each includes shipping, per order. Please visit to order online or download our membership form, which doubles as an order form through the mail for this valuable resource!"