
FHE Homeschool Day at the Capitol



Mark Your Calendars
Tuesday, March 3, 2026  

What a great day we had at our 2025 Homeschool Day
at the Capitol.  Special thanks to all the legislators and Play and Sing His Praises (homeschool group from Springfield) for participating with us. Thanks to all our homeschooling families for coming and braving the rain.

See you in March 2026!!  

FHE has been hosting this yearly event since 1991!

12:15 pm music
Homeschool Music Performance

Lobbyist Report & Legislator Visits


Help FHE continue fighting for homeschool freedoms in Missouri.  We know many come from a distance and appreciate the.sacrifice to give of your day to come!!  

Plan a visit to your legislators and introduce yourselves. Call their office at least 2 weeks prior if possible to let them know you will be stopping by.

Arrive early in order to find parking (see below for parking details) and to get through security.  
The only entrance is at the Carriage entrance on the south side of the building. It must be accessed at the west end of the entrance.

Click here for details and maps.

Hope to see you at the Capitol!  We must be ever vigilant to protect our homeschool freedoms!





Join us on March 3, 2026 for our Homeschool Day.

*Our FHE Lobbyist will give us an update of what has been happening in Jefferson City so far in the Legislative Session.

*Our homeschool friendly legislators love to stop by to say hello and offer words of encouragement to our families.  We appreciate their willingness to share with us for a few moments in their very busy schedule.

*Meet our FHE volunteer directors who are all committed to helping you navigate homeschooling in Missouri.  We are so excited to see old friends and meet new ones!

*Enjoy some amazing music by our homeschool students!

Make Plans Now to Attend and Support Missouri Homeschooling!

See you there!

"How to Maximize Your Day at the Capitol"

(If you would like to bring cookies to your senator and representive, the legislators and staff appreciate the thoughtfulness!)                   


Legislator Look Up

** Note any appointments should be made so they will be completed before 12:00pm or will begin after 2:00pm to allow your family time to come and go from the Rotunda.

Reminders and Tips

  • Know your Missouri State Senator and/or Representative and their office number.     Legislator Look Up
  • Visit the FHE table for a “calling card” to leave with your Senator and/or Representative in the event you are unable to visit with them personally. Talking points will also be available. You are always welcome to bring thank you cards to your legislators.
  • Just a Reminder – Please be courteous! As you visit and move around in the Capitol, remember, this is a place of business. Also, the Senator’s and Reprensentatives’s offices are small. Please leave strollers out in the hall.
  • If you would like a copy of the Missouri Constitution or the 2021 General Assembly Roster visit the Secretary of State’s Office, State Capitol Room 208.

         Municipal Parking Garage at 200 Madison (southeast
         corner Madison & Capitol Ave.)
         Daily Parking Rate: $0.50/hr for first 2 hours,$1.00/hr 
         thereafter, $6.00 max per day.    
         Parking Information Link

         Metered Parking  $0.25 – $0.50 per hour
            Note: Be sure not to let your parking meter run out. They do give parking tickets! 
         Downtown Jefferson City Map

  • Additional Reminders:

    Be sure to allow plenty of time to get parked and walk to the building. You will also be required to go through security which takes additional time.

    Parking is a little limited and you may need to allow more time for walking to get to the Capitol. Be careful about the time limits on metered parking; they do give tickets.

    Enter the Capitol building on the south side of the building. This entrance is the carriage entrance and you must enter at the west side of the carriage entrance. 

See You There!