

Regional Leaders Meeting - Region 5

Please join us for our (almost) annual Leader's Meeting. Whether you are a leader for a support group, Facebook group, co-op, learning center, play group. park/field trips, etc,, you are welcome to join us for a get together and discussion time. I always have a list of topics just in case, but I want to know what YOU need to talk about as a leader. Please let me know you are coming so that I have enough snacks and handouts. Email me at [email protected]. See you soon.

FHE Homeschool Day at the Capitol

Join us for our annual Homeschool Day at the Capitol on Tuesday, March 4. Mark your calendars. Details about the event will be coming out later in the year, but this is a GREAT day to show your support for homeschooling, visit the Capitol for a tour, walk through the museums, make an appointment to visit your state legislators, and so much more. Homeschool Day program is from 12:15-2:00 pm in the Rotunda. Hope to see you there. Watch our website as details start to become available. https://fhe-mo.org/fhehomeschooldayatthecapitol