

FHE Thinking Outside the Box Zoom

Are you wondering how you are going to get those 1000 hours or struggle trying to figure out where to log an activity? Homeschooling is not like public school, and we often must "think outside the box" to educate our children and get those 1000 hours. How do you keep records when you unschool? Or what if you use an online program that will not accomplish all 1000 hours? What can you count when you are no longer at the kitchen table? LOTS of information in the attached pdf. Registration Process: Register for this event here online, and a confirmation email will be sent to you with your zoom information. Please make sure you put in your County in the box. The autofill is Missouri, but we need your county. A reminder email will be sent to you a day or so before our meeting date from Kim at [email protected]. As always, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out. Your confirmation email will come from [email protected], so check your SPAM.

Great Homeschool Convention - St Charles
3/27/2025 - 3/29/2025

Please use the Code 25GHCMO when you register for the GHC Conference. You get a $10 discount on your registration, and it will help FHE as well. Thanks. See you at the Convention.

MPE Conference - KC
4/4/2025 - 4/5/2025

Homeschool Conference. Register for the conference through the MPE website. Stop by to see FHE and visit our table.

Survive and Thrive May 2025

Questions about homeschooling? Join FHE at this event. We will also be doing a short 101 workshop. Also lots of information about homesteading. Head over to the Facebook Event for details. https://www.facebook.com/events/3282307018572920 Please note that this is NOT an FHE sponsored event, but a vendor.