Legal Help
Home School Legal Defense Association
The Home School Legal Defense Association is a non-profit advocacy organization established to defend and advance the constitutional right of parents to direct the education of their children and to protect family freedoms. FHE strongly encourages all home educating families to join HSLDA.
College Preparation
Missouri Department of Higher Education college preparation core curriculum guidelines (The Coordinating Board of Higher Education encourages governing boards at Missouri's postsecondary institutions to incorporate this 24-unit high school core curriculum into admissions processes for all first-time freshmen.)
College Board Online (SAT test)
Accelerated Distance Education
Advanced Placement (AP) practice exams
Art and Music
Maestro Classics Music Curriculum
Foreign Language
Foreign Language For Travelers
Gallery Of Interactive Geometry
Wondermath Promo Code: FHE19
Reading/Language Arts
Carol Hurst's Children's Literature Site
The Children's Literature Web Guide
Printable Reading Books
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Missouri Botanical Gardens: MBGnet Home
Human Genome Project Information
Guided Tour: Visible Human Project
Record Keeping
FHE Plan Book, Fillable Hour Log, and Fillable Transcript Template
(Downloads Available for FHE Members – Login at the bottom of this page,
then click on the “Members Only” tab and “Member Resources”)
Academic Records by Classical Conversations (high school transcript) (high school transcript)
Reference and Research
Cathy Duffy Free Learning Style Assessment
Discover America Through Postcards
NativeAmerican Indian Resources
The American Civil War Homepage
Edison National Historic Site Home Page
The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
The White House Historical Association, First Kids
The First Ladies of the United States of America
Jarrett Learner Writing Activities
Donna Young's Homeschool Printables
450 Ivy League courses you can take for free right now
Free Homeschooling Resources and Lesson Plans
Online Options
FreedomHomeschooling virtual fieldtrips
HUGE List Of VIRTUAL Field Trips
VictoryXR Homeschool Education Solutions
***Please note that the inclusion of any activity, organization, supplier, service, company, etc. does not constitute endorsement by Families for Home Education. Each family should do their own due diligence to decide for themselves which, if any, of the activities, organizations, suppliers, services, companies, etc. are appropriate for their own family. The resources FHE references are not exhaustive. There are many more resources available for Missouri home educators which FHE may not be aware.***